Monthly Archives: July 2010

Sundrum Castle


Sundrum CastleWe went camping this weekend to Sundrum castle in Ayr.  The campsite is a Park Dean site so it had loads of facilities such as swimming pool, bar etc.  I did go for a long walk on the first morning after arriving and actually found the actual castle which was excellent looking.  It’s  a long walk away from the actual campsite and there is no admittance to the public but worth a look even if you can’t get in.

It has been a long while since we were last camping so putting up the tent was a lesson in memory!  We made it eventually though and were all set up in about 45 mins.Tent

We spent saturday in Ayr itself.  It started out quite wet but the sun soon came out.  There is a superb new adventure Cupsplayground/exercise area at the pavillion on the front.  Cool adult stuff for playing on as well!  We went into Pirate Pete’s with the kids and then outside at the fairground where Sophie really enjoyed the cups!

As with any camping trips taking the tents down is a trauma but we got it down faster than we’ve ever done before even


when you take into account we have a camping kitchen!

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