Category Archives: Sports

Tryst Sports Centre


IMG_0300[1]Our wee trip back to the Motherland and to an old favorite with Sophie and her friend (Ben was catching up with friends).

This was where, as a child, I would do most of my swimming.  Lots of offers on here so it’s not really expensive for anything.  They have Squash, Handball, 5 aside football, Badminton (one of our favs), and three swimming pools plus more…

Tryst means meeting place and it was somewhere that my friends and I spent many an afternoon taking part in sporting activities.

The girls started to play in the main pool but the swim clubs (and there are many at the Tryst) forced them out ot the middle pool.  It was quiet and they had the mats out, which is the ultimate in bonus balls!  If you got the tryst quiet AND the mats were out then you had won the lottery when I was younger.IMG_0303[1]

The girls played there for over an hour before they were ready to come out exhausted and happy.

They also had the best roll and chips in the land!  After an afternoon of swimming we would go and buy these rolls and marvel at how good they were.  Ask any child of the 80’s and 90’s in Cumbernauld about the Tryst and they will mention the roll and chips.  Unless they had never been there ;-).  We did have some chips this time but no rolls unfortunately!