Tag Archives: castle

Culzean Castle


Culzean Castle

What a day today…headed to Culzean at the second attempt and took in the superb castle and surrounding area.  To be honest the fun we had in the surrounding area was probably better than the castle itself!  Arrived on site at around mid day and had a picnic as the weather was lovely.  We had taken along Ben’s pal Mark so there were 5 of us again.  I needed to go to the loo when we arrive (why is he telling us this you are asking ;-)).  The view from the toilet was by far the most spectacular I’ve ever seen so I had to take a picture!View from the loo!

We then had lunch and walked round to the castle.  You could not use any recording devices in the castle so we have no pictures but it was really nice inside.  Loads of fantastic antiques and weapons etc.  They do have a lego guy hidden in each room for the kids to find which helps with keeping them occupied as you wander around and take in the splendor.  Towards the end they have an excellent exhibition on Dwight Eisenhower who was based here during WWII and who was given part of the castle to live in until his death in 1969.  We then took a walk round to the toy shop (which was a little over priced) before heading for a cup of tea up at the visitor centre.

After tea and ice cream the real adventure began.  We saw on the map that there were caves at the bottom of the cliff below the castle so we went for a look.  When we got to the bottom of the cliff the tide was just going out so the only way around was to climb over the rocks down there.  first caveWe did this and firstly found a pretty cool cave which was difficult to see into as it got too dark and we didn’t have a torch.  We ventured further round and found another cave which this time had light at the end of it!  It was like something out of the famous five (I was thinking about lashings of ginger beer the whole time!).  The second cave had a lintel which led though to another cave which led back out to the cliff but where the two caves met there was a large clearing…all boys own adventure stuff!  I was a little concerned about the tide coming in so we stopped there and headed back.  When we got back to the top of the cliff we decided to see what it was like at the other side so walked round to that end where the boat house is.

Bottom of the CliffThis was where it got even better.  We worked our way round and found another small cave but working round further we found a building cut

Bottom of Cliff

Bottom of Cliff

into the side of the cliff which was marked on the map but was very difficult to access.  In fact I fell and managed to hurt my knee, ankle, elbow and worse derrier!  Plus I fell into the water at the same time…worse still was the dent in my pride!  I was trying to help a young guy who had fallen at the time and went spectacularly over!  Anyway we got round to it and it was pretty spectacular.  I’m not sure what the building was but I’m investigating.  It’s not something they push for obvious health and safety reason I would say but it was great for the kids as they felt like they were in a great adventure.  I suspect it was part of the old castle which was there before Robert Adam (son of William) designed the news castle in the late 1700’s.

The trip back was less eventful as the tide was much further out and the sun was drying out the slippy rocks quite nicely.  We then made our way round to the adventure playground past the spectacular Swan pool.  Home and a traditional Fish supper for dinner! Superb day!  Lots of pics below.

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Stirling Castle Easter Sunday


So a blog which will document our travels and our days out in and around Scotland.

First post today…busy day.  We went to the Stirling Castle Easter Revellry today.  It was a superb day out for the kids.  Tons of things to see and do.

Ben at the owl Show

Ben at the Owl Show

We didn’t arrive till later in the day (around 2.30) but we still got a lot in.  We were joined today by Jack and Katie our nephew and niece  from Dunfermline and our Historic Scotland membership came in very handy as we had a family membership we all got in for free to the Castle.  Carol’s brother Steven joined us but paid full price for entry – although at just £9 it’s not too bad at all.

We started the day at the Owl show which was run by Falconry Scotland.  The guys running the show got into period costume and they tried to include all of the kids who were there.  Entertaining and the kids got to stroke the owls afterwards.

Juggling Jester

After that we wandered out to the main courtyard area where we encountered a man dressed as a jester who was putting on a juggling display and was showing his skills on the diablo with a decent line in patter too.  Enjoyed that and the kids were laughing away at his jokes and found it particularly funny when things went wrong for him!

New York Puppet

That was followed by a wandering clown/magician and a puppeteer.  The Puppet was a New York policeman who insisted on interogating the kids…not sure it was period but the kids loved it.

The clown/Magician did some street magic with the kids and Jack got to be his assistant for a while which he enjoyed.

Finally we went on to a small show which was running in the Great Hall about a Baron and a baby…not sure exactly what was going on we arrived late but the kids liked it also.  After a quick wander round the ramparts afterwards we headed home to their Grans house where she cooked for 15 people and it was a great way to round off the day.

Clown at the Castle

Sophies favourite part – The Little Owl.

Ben’s favourite – The Juggling Jester!