Tag Archives: louisiana

Roadtrip #3 – Day Eight – Lake Charles -Home


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Well we made it back in one piece.  The last day started pretty misty but cleared up pretty quick.img_3471

We stayed overnight in in Lake Charles and it was a lovely wee place with perhaps a bit more confederate memorabilia and statues than we would like but the history of the place shone through.  Interestingly they had US flags around the bottom of the CSA monument which was interesting and shows the confusion that still exists I think in some of these little places in the Deep South.img_3473

Sitting on a lake (hence the name) it had some nice little eateries and a quirky art gallery which had a live chicken wandering about in it.  We had lunch and tried the Boudin balls in Tia Juanita’s Fish Camp for lunch.  Food was great and decent service too.

After a walk around and checking out the lake we got on the road for our final stint.img_3476

Once across the Texas border we stopped for our obligatory selfie with the state welcome sign and this rest stop was a wee bit different as it had a walkway out onto the swamp at the back so you could go out and try to see the gators or snakes.  We spotted a small turtle and nothing else but we’re sure these other things are in there.

After 2600 miles and 5 states over 7 nights we got back to Round Rock about 7pm on the Saturday night.  A good roadtrip and we saw so much of the country.  We may need to go South or West next time!


RoadTrip #3 – LaFayette – Destin

RoadTrip #3 – LaFayette – Destin

4 States in one day (Texas is so big that it always takes a day just to get out then you can breeze through the other states.


Sophie is the author today.

Day Two.

Once again we woke up in darkness, with a 5 am wake up we were out of the hotel sharp by 6:10.  As we drove through Louisiana we saw the mist roll over the swamps and fields like invading troops.  After a while of driving we hit the Mississippi state line! Almost a mile over the line we hit a rest stop where Dad and Ben stopped for a quick toilet break and Mum and I took a few pictures with the sign and grabbed a wee coffee in the visitors center.img_3044

As we got on the road again we decided to take about 20 minutes out of our journey to take the scenic route by that time we had switched seats with Dad complaining about the space in the very small back. (Editor note: it was too small for my torso and after 17 hours like that I was dying…17 hours may be an exageration).  Set up was – Ben in the middle and Mum and I in the front, me navigating and Mum driving. After a few minutes of driving we decided to stop off at the beautiful white sandy beach and then  some ice cream at Sonic then we got back on track to Florida!

Right as we hit Alabama Dad almost had a heart attack because we missed the rest stop and couldn’t take a selfie with the sign. (second editors note: I like the selfies with the signs…that’s not a crime).  After that fiasco was over we stopped off at Zaxby’s chicken for lunch and from then we pushed onward until we got to the Florida rest stop.


Across the Florida line at the rest stop we got a map, a selfie and some really nice orange juice then another hour and a half till we got to Destin;

In Destin we found our hotel room with a beautiful beach front view. After we got settled we went for a walk along the beach where we found quite a few broken pieces of sand dollar and then walked to the pier, taking pictures as we went.

Mum and Dad walked along the pier while Ben and I played in the sand down below. After our walk we quickly went back to the hotel room and got changed and went out for some Chinese a few miles away. Finally we ended the night back at the hotel room where we all got ready for an early night at 8:00. (Last editor note – we struggled to keep the kids awake…a new phenomenon).


The Big American Road trip – Final day New Orleans – Round Rock


IMG_9232Our final day did not start off very well with Hertz informing us that we had to go 30 mins out of our way driving to get a new car after our Air conditioning went in the Optima we had hired.  Their office was right across the road from our hotel and after being rude letting me stand at a door which was not unlocked and just watching me the staff were even less helpful when I got inside.  The previous day they had told me that if I went to their office in the morning they would have a car for me.  I turned up to be told that they might have one but there were 40 cars due out that day and frankly they were too busy to help me so i needed to go to the airport.  We were in no rush so i asked if we just waited would they have one and the girl behind the counter just said – ‘Look if you want a car you need to go to the airport chances are we will be too busy to help you all day’.  85 degrees and no air con with two children in the car.  Guess who will not be getting my business in the future?

I complained on facebook, twitter and online and they did apologize on Facebook but nothing more…rude to say the least.  Anyway we drove to the airport and swapped out the Optima for a Nissan which was nicer and more roomy than the Optima but they had hooked up the sat nav to the front electrics and that meant the front charger did not work!!  Anyway enough moaning as the day started off poorly but got better!!Day Eight

We now had only about 530 miles left in the big trip and after taking a wrong turning on a New Orleans bridge (don’t do that it put us 22 miles!!!  out of our way – those bridges are huge) we were on our way.  New Orleans still had some fascinating scenery for us on out way out including the dead trees which lined the highway IMG_9235 which were an eerie and interesting sight to say the least.  We travelled for quite a while through Louisiana and encountered some cool things along the way like the huge bridge in Baton Rouge which looked like it was a ramp to nowhere.  The kids are too old now to fall for the tail about it being a ramp we needed to jump in the car…’aye aye Dad very good’.  The wee ones are growing up!

IMG_9240Before we left Louisiana we wanted to grab some souvenirs for our neighbours who had generously looked after our fish whilst we were away but out hertz mess meant that out time in New Orleans was cut a little short and we didn’t have time tIMG_9245o pop back in for a present.  Carol noticed a sign along the way for the Swamp Shop which is a souvenir place along the road.  It was a fascinating wee place as it was obviously previously a house and sat next to the Tourist information office.

IMG_9244The staff were uber friendly and even took our picture (being token Scots) for their Facebook page (although we are not up there yet!).  The shop sold all sorts from Man Cave stuff to Alligator eggs (fake ones obviously but nice toys).  After we had procurred our presents we walked over to the Tourist info to use the facilities and found two baby alligaIMG_9248tors in their tank.  Not what we’d expect to see in Fort William that’s for sure!

It took a very long time to get out of Louisiana and we were driving for at least 3-4 hours before the texas border came upon us but it felt good to be in our home state even if we did have 280 miles to drive at that point!  We were welcomed to the state with a sign about watching out for snakes (better than Alligators??) and Ben took his obligatory photo with the welcome sign!  Although it was chucking it down so we had to take the picture quick and retreat back to the car.

IMG_9250Each state had these welcome centers as you went in and for giving them your zip code you got a good quality map of the state which is useful even when using Sat Nav.  We actually snagged two in Texas so we can start a board here to document our travels!

We have tried to eat local as much as we can (although on the road it’s unfortunate but the locals have been drowned out by the chains like McDonalds etc) and we had our last meal on the road at a place called Al-T’s which was a Cajun place just outside of Louisiana ironically.  The place had a smoking and non smoking area (smoking was bigger which tells me something) and when we arrived we were actually the only folks in the non smoking area!  IMG_9253Anyway the food was pretty good and there was plenty of eating in the portions.  Ben went with the huge burger because (he was hungry Dad…) and despite the waitress warning him off he actually managed to eat the whole one pound of meat in a big bun!  Anyway the place had been frequented by lots of famous folks over the years such as Percy Sledge and Jerry Reid, the country singer who is most famous in the UK for being in the Smokey and the Bandit movies!

After that it was just a dash to get home ahead of the rain which was lashing down.  Just to be clear Texans cannot drive in the rain!!  Either too slow or much much too fast.  We arrived back at 10pm which when we left the hotel at 10am meant we were on the road for 12 hours for a 7 hour journey…Carol liked to make her stops along the way!!IMG_9257

After 3200 miles, 10 states, 7 days, 2 cars, snow, floods, 85 degree heat, sun, mountains, plains, Graceland and the White house we were back home with lots of stories to bore everyone about afterwards!!  Oh and I bought a new hat on the last day to remind me of our trip.

We got back to Round Rock tired and ready for bed but it was worth the time and effort and despite the flu hampering both of us in the first few days (Ben and Sophie were not affected thankfully) we got a true taste of life on the road and would do it again…but maybe next year.  Grand Canyon anyone??

Our final map!


The Big American Road Trip Day Seven – New Orleans


day sevenWell it was a quiet day yesterday and a big day today!  We took in 5 states on our road from Chattanooga to New Orleans.  Granted some of the states were just flying visits but we hit Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and finally Louisiana.

Sorry Arkansas but your roads were the worst of our 10 states we visited.

We were expecting a 7.5 hr day but we managed to get the driving reduced by a half hour because we picked a hotel on the southern side of Chattanooga so we missed all the city traffic which may seem like a small thing but for us was a big thing!!

IMG_9187Anyway the road was great and the scenery was beautiful on the way down.  It was very nice to travel between the states and when we hit Mississippi and were not expecting it we were actually pretty pleased.  The whole journey has been a discovery and an adventure so finding things we do not expect is a real thrill for us and so good for the kids as they learn more about their adopted country every day.  The roads are similar but we tried to make sure we stopped at rest stops and tourist info places along the way and that helped frame the state we were travelling through.  Interestingly you could tell the state by the quality of the roads but also by the toilets!  Each toilet in the states had a different type of urinal…weird observation I know but very true…Alabama was the only one with all metal triangles to pee in!!  I loved the fact that Alabama welcomed us with a Sweet Home Alabama which was a nice touch.

The other interesting thing was the town markers.  Official state markers have the shape of the state around the road number so you can tell which state you are in by the shape around the number on the green signs.IMG_9209

The flying McAllens!

The flying McAllens!

We arrived in New Orleans (having gained our hour back that we lost on the way up as we moved back to Central time) around 4pm and checked into the hotel.  We had traveled through a small snow storm as we left Washington but it was 85 degrees in NO so we took advantage of the nice weather and shook off the cob webs by going for a swim (well, Ben and Sophie did!) in the rooftop pool.  It was pretty nice and the kids performed acrobatics in the pool much to the chagrin of the 2 old couples who had the quiet pool all to themselves before we arrived.

After swimming we were headed into New Orleans for our dinner.  We decided to walk to the famous Bourbon Street to see what we could get to eat.  i have to say that with two children it probably wasn’t our best bet.  When the lady walked by me naked but for a pair of tiny bikini bottoms I knew we probably were not in a family friendly environment!!IMG_9190

After a bit of walking about we found a really nice food place called Jimmy J’s which had some really nice beer on tap.  They didn’t tell me till I was walking out that it was 8%!!  the sore head the next day was caused by those 2 beers!   The Gumbo was really nice though and we’d recommend it as a very friendly place to eat just off of Bourbon street which is a little calmers than the hustle and bustle of the French quarter without leaving the place.  We stayed next to the convention center which is not a bad walk to the French quarter at all at 1.5 miles.  The hotel (Hilton Garden Inn) was friendly and well presented even if it was a little more pricey than the hotels we had stayed at along the way and did not include breakfast for IMG_9219the extra cost (we passed on the $14 (inc tax) breakfast and found our own along the way.  IMG_9197Parking was also an issue but if you are ever there before you pay the $35 for valet parking (the only thing the hotel offers) take a look about there is a garage across the street and we actually found on street parking for $3 for 2 hours which stops at 6 so we arrived at 4.30pm so only had to pay the $3 till 8am the next morning.

Unfortunately our aircon in the car busted about a half hour outside New Orleans which made for a pretty hot trip across the city!  Visit tomorrow to Hertz to get a new car will be in order!